Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
Mr. Kalend O, the director of BEC
all the teacher of BEC
Mr. Adam Joyo as the chief of meeting program
all of my friends.
brother and sisters, ladies and gentlemen.
First of all, let’s pray and
thank unto our God Allah swt, who has given as mercies and blessings so we can
attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy situation.
Secondly, may peace and
solutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad saw, the last messenger of
God who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness, from the stupidity
to the cleverness, from jahiliyah to the islamiyah namely isamic religion.
Thirdly, standing in front of you
all, I am as Master Of Ceremony, I would like to read the agenda this morning.
¶ The first agenda is opening
¶ The second agenda is reading of
holy Qur’an, it is followed by English and indonsian translation.
¶ The third agenda is some speech
by some speakers.
¶ The fourth agenda is resting.
¶ The fifth agenda is correction.
¶ The sixth agenda is closing
ladies and gentlemen, those are our agenda in this meeting. And now let’s step
to first agenda, that is opening. Let’s open our pogram this morning by reading
“Al Fatihah” together. Al fatihah...Thank you very much and may our progam be
able to run well from opening to closing, amin...
happy audience, now we step to the second agenda namely reading of holy Qur’an.
It is going to be read by Mr. Abdullah
and followed with English translation by Ms. Siti Aminah and Indonesian
translation by Ms. Lely. The floor is yours.
so much to all of the readers, my we all get guidance from our God
third agenda is some speech by some spakers. Alright, for the first speakers, I
am going to call Mr/Miss...............as the deputy
from.................class, time is yours. Thank so much for your speech be
useful for us in this world and here after, amiiin...
second speaker I’m gonna call the beautiful girl from angel class.
welcome miss Retnoningsih, the floor is yours..................
happy audience, we have just listened some speech by some speakers, therefore I
am sure that you feel bored and tired now. In order that we are not bored and
tired, we will be entertained by a group of resting program
from.....................class. please enjoy our performance!!!
you, yhank you very much. Wow it’s really interesting, isn’t?
my loved brothers and sisters,
we step to the following agenda, namely correction. The first correction is
about grammatical by Mr..................time is yours. Thank you very much for
your correction.
second correction is about pronucation by Miss.......................time is
yours. Thank so much for your correction.
happy brothers and sisters, ladies and gentlemen. We have enjoyed agenda by
agenda and now we are going to the sixth agenda, that is closing. But before
closing our program this morning, I realize that I have dont many mistakes
during bringing this program, so I apologize to you all. And now let’s close
our program by reading “al-hamdallah” together. Thank you very much for your
attention to join his meeting and my God bless us now and forever.
Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb
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