Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris

0cey.. pada kesempatan yang baik, aQ pengen menulis kembali pidato bahasa inggis yang singkat pada waktu aQ masih duduk di bangku kelas 6 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, yang telah diajarkan oleh bu guru untuk ditampilkkan dalam rangka Ahirussanah MI.  MU  4 tahun yg lalu, dan saya tampilkan di ajang KSM tingkat MA tahun 2015 di Kembangbahu dan Alhamdulillah lolos, terima kasih kepada Guru Pembimbingku , dengan sabar beliau mendampingiku dan telah memberikan banyak ilmu dan pengalaman baru, dan terimah kasih yang rela meluangkan waktunya tuk membaca ini, smoga bermanfaat,....


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.
 الحمد لله الدي امة محمد حيرا لامم اخرجت للنا س, ولصلاة والسلام علي من قل :
من ارادالد نيا فعليه باالعلم ومن ارادا لاخراة فعليه با العلم ومن اراد هما فعليه باالعلم

Excellency,..........all of the judge
Recspectable,...... all of the teachers that has guide as
Unforgotable,...... all of my friends

Praise be to Allah the lord of the lord who has given  as blessing and mercies so we can geather in this meeting without any troubles and obtacles, for  binafaite of all man. May sholawat and salam always be presented to our prophet Muhammad  SAW,  Who has gruandet  us from the darknes to the lightnes from the stupity to the clevernes from the jahiliyah to the islamiyah it was Addinul Islam.
Dear Audience..............
For the first time I would like to thank  to the comittee boar  that has given my time to deliver my speech undr the title “THE IMPORTANCE OF ENGLISH IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION”
Dear Audience...........
Mastering science well is a condition of someone to  gain bliss in life. For example : Some one who master english well is able to improve his career, as english is the international language.  We have known that in this modern era almost all aspects of life from the smallest to the biggest ones monsly use english as the lingua franca of it. For instance: in the field of business, commerce,  administration, and goverment . Knowing this, we are as student  we are demanded and the progress of cilivization, even it is in the field of languge is very important for the success or the failure of someone’s  career.
Dear Audience.............
I think we have known the importance  of english, mainly in this era. And we are going to face the globalization era. Aren’t we??????? And what will we have to prepare for facing the globalization era?? The answer is studiying science. And studying science  need a skill in a language ,  and the language  that has to be mastered is only english. Because is the international language.
Dear Audience............
That all for my speech , and I hope what I have  delivered can be addition of knowledge for the student in order to know THE IMPORTANCE OF ENGLISH IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION. Oke..........in the last my speech I will say thank you very much.............I think enough....

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Kumpulan   Lagu Pramuka   Writen by : Nia Ifatul Mufidah D.A...